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To: Phil Jordan, Executive Leader of The Isle of Wight Council & Wendy Perera, CEO of the Isle of Wight Council

Re-Open Ventnor Roads Now

Take emergency steps with Council Heads & Island Roads to reopen road access to Ventnor now.

Why is this important?

Ventnor is a gorgeous, commercially resurgent resort town on the Isle of Wight’s stunning south coast. Thanks to a historic Victorian road network impacted by unprecedented recent rainfall, Ventnor is now cut off from the local population centers of the Isle of Wight and the bus, train, ferry & road networks back to the mainland.
Single road closures are manageable, but the current dire state of multiple emergency road closures spanning Leeson, Gills Cliff, Bath, Graben and Southgrove roads threatens the health & wellbeing of an entire town. The lack of any overall plan to restore access & vague timeframes for repair or reopening that Island Roads seem unable to justify has created a feeling of helplessness among businesses & residents that cannot continue.
Parents cannot effectively get children to school. The vulnerable cannot access critical health services. Visitors are not returning. Deliveries are delayed or canceled. Island residents are circumventing the town. Employees cannot get to work. Jobs are being lost. Remaining roads are becoming seriously unsafe. Traffic is heavily congested resulting in vastly increased emissions.
Phil Jordan & Wendy Perera, please immediately lead from the front to create the political will & contractual leadership needed to re-open Ventnor roads NOW not in a year or more’s time when the town has become unviable.
Ventnor, UK

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