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To: Somerset County Council

Reinstate the Somerset County Transport Forum

We call upon Somerset County Council to reinstate the County Transport Forum, which was suspended in 2013.

Why is this important?

No matter who we are we all need to get from A to B in our lives.

Working transport means we can enjoy our lives and participate fully in society. It means we can reach employment opportunities and contribute to our country. It means healthy and supportive families, friendships and communities. It means access to the public services that we have already paid for.

A forum would provide the opportunity to listen to people, business and community needs and deliver a transport strategy that will work for everyone.

The County Council has a strategic role in transport planning and a County Transport Forum facilitates exchange of ideas, better accountability and communication with interested organisations.


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2017-02-25 13:44:40 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-10-30 02:20:47 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-10-27 21:06:52 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-10-25 23:18:31 +0100

10 signatures reached