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To: Angus Taylor MP and Rushi Sunak MP and Omar Alghaba

Reinstate the Triple Lock for Pensions

Gentlemen, with the current crisis in the energy market I am asking for you to reconsider the position many pensioners are going to be facing over the coming winter months. We are supposed to be prosperous nation that cares for its elderly population.
With the current shortages and the fiasco that the government has created since leaving the European Union, prices are already rising and set to rise much higher.
This funding can be supported by stopping the HS2 project and repurposing the funds.
We cannot have any pensioners having to rely food banks to survive and refusing to put the heating on due to fuel poverty.
Give these pensioners the dignity and give them the pension rise they are due.

Why is this important?

People power matters. We have a duty to protect our pensioners from being unable to support themselves financially whilst on state pension.
Our state pension is one of the lowest in the Western World and this cannot be right.


2022-11-02 19:35:46 +0000

10 signatures reached