To: The Government Social Services Department

Return Karrissa & Richard Cox's Baby

Return Karrissa & Richard Cox's baby.

Why is this important?

To ensure that a Mother's Natural Human Right, to bring up her child is not infringed....

Richard and Karrissa Cox took their child to Hospital with bleeding from the mouth, the Hospital subsequently reported this to the Social Service's who took the child into care and eventually adopted, when to the came to court it was found that the child actually suffered from Von Willebrand II. a blood disorder and healing fracture's caused by a deficiency in Vitamen D and Infantile Rickets, the couple are now fighting to have their child returned but have been told that the possibility is very slim. It is an Absolute Disgrace that a child taken from its natural parent and subsequently given away by Social Services cannot be returned after it is found that the Parents did no wrong and actually did every correctly for the babies care, The Bond between Mother and her child is a very special thing and cannot just be dismissed due to Political expediency.