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To: Sarah Gager Regional Manager for National Express Transport Solutions

Ring and Ride Injustice

Ring and Ride is a Birmingham based bus service available door to door for people who are disabled and cannot, or find it difficult, to use public transport. It is a lifeline for many to prevent isolation and allow them to access vital services, however a new policy has recently been brought in saying that they cannot be used for health appointments, as they cannot guarantee arrival by appointment time. If you are registered disabled, have poor mobility due to age or have recently had an operation you will perforce have a number of health appointments. Not being able to use the Ring and Ride Service requires the use of taxis instead, this creates a great deal of extra financial strain on people who are already finding things difficult. For those in electric wheelchairs or who make use of a mobility scooter it is 3 times more difficult. All there needs to be is a simple disclaimer to say that they cannot guarantee a set time.

Why is this important?

Ring and Ride have stopped transporting people to health appointments. For those who are disabled health appointments are vital: to attend physio sessions, to monitor wounds or operation sites to prevent infection or just to ensure no other health issues exacerbate any existing problems. With the recent serious cost of living increases if people are forced to use taxis for these appointments there is a great likelihood of people having to choose between their health or heating their home. It seems quite incredible that for a service that purports to exist "In order to improve access to transport – as well as to tackle social isolation and improve mental health." there is a complete disregard for how essential it is for people to be able to access these services.
Birmingham, UK

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2022-07-26 19:34:35 +0100

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