To: Wellingborough council

Road signs on Isham A509 Northamptonshire

Can signs at the beginning of the village each end and a few hundred yards in after 30mph signs be erected saying PLEASE SLOW DOWN AND LET CARS OUT OF SIDE ROADS DURING RUSH HOUR.

Why is this important?

Due to the increase in traffic along A509 coming through Isham and most road users lack of courtesy, that was prevalent years ago, to let villagers on side roads join the A509 especially in rush hour.

It's easy and obvious and common sense but with a lot of different people from different countries with different driving styles and younger generations not experiencing this norm and old British custom of queuing getting eroded, this is urgently needed.
Everyone who lives in a rural village with a main road with a vast increase in traffic recognises this problem during rush hour
Kettering Rd, Isham, UK

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