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To: Nottinghamshire County Council

Safer School Streets in Coddington

There are urgent concerns about the safety of the public footpaths on Newark Road and Beckingham Road leading to Coddington Church of England Primary School. The current state of these pathways is putting the safety of our children, as well as the well-being of vulnerable and older residents, at risk.

The pavements along these routes have deteriorated significantly over time, and the dangers they pose are now impossible to ignore. The surfaces are uneven, crumbling, and riddled with large cracks and damage, whilst Newark Road is also becoming overgrown with bramble and nettles. These hazardous conditions have resulted in countless accidents, with children frequently getting injured due to their wheels getting trapped or stumbling on uneven surfaces. Moreover, this poses a substantial risk to our vulnerable and older residents who may find it challenging to navigate these pathways, deterring them from walking to school and engaging in physical activities within the village. This is especially concerning on busy roads where traffic travels at 50mph without any barriers between the road and footpath.

Both Coddington Parish Council and various District Councillors and County Councillors have brought this issue to the attention of Via multiple times over the past few years, only for it to be continuously disregarded. What will it take to get this pressing issue resolved?

We call on you to take immediate action to address and rectify the unsafe conditions of the public footpaths on Newark Road and Beckingham Road, leading to Coddington Church of England Primary School. This is not just about safety but also about fostering an active and healthy lifestyle for our village residents.

We respectfully request that the Nottinghamshire County Council undertake the following actions:

Allocate the necessary resources for the immediate repair and maintenance of these footpaths, ensuring they are safe for all residents and schoolchildren to use.

Develop a long-term plan for regular maintenance and monitoring of these footpaths to prevent the recurrence of such safety hazards.

Engage with Coddington Parish Council, District Councillors, County Councillors, and the community to ensure that our concerns and suggestions are heard and addressed in a timely and transparent manner.

Why is this important?

As both a District Cllr for Coddington and a Mother of three, who uses these footpaths almost every single day, I believe that by taking these steps, Nottinghamshire County Council can demonstrate its commitment to the safety and well-being of the Coddington community and its dedication to providing safe access to our local school and promoting active and sustainable living.

Coddington, Newark NG24, UK

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2023-11-13 17:18:38 +0000

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2023-11-07 21:29:55 +0000

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2023-11-07 21:08:59 +0000

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