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To: Hampshire County Council

Safer Speed Limits on the Hambledon Road in Hampshire

Please limit the speed on Hambledon Road to 30mph for the whole road. Currently part of the road is at a 30mph speed limit and for a short section opens to National speed limit between Denmead and Hambledon villages. This stretch of road has double white lines and slow signs already, indicating that the speed of vehicles should reduce as the road is not safe to use at speed. There are concealed entrances on this part of the road and also a very sharp turn into Fareham Road.

We would like to see one, two or all of the following implemented:
(1) A reduction in the speed limit to 30mph
(2) Additional warning signage to warn drivers of the hazards they might encounter on that stretch of road
(3) Speed restriction measures such as speed bumps

Why is this important?

There are a number of entrances along this stretch of road and the it is used by horse riders, including children on ponies, cyclists and farm vehicles all limited as to speed. A number of locals have expressed their concern as to the speed of many cars along this stretch who may be unaware of the hazards often present in this area.
Denmead, Waterlooville, UK

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