To: 1) Salisbury City Council. 2) John Glen MP for Salisbury

Salisbury City Council's 44% rise in Council Tax

Stop the 44% rise in Council Tax in Salisbury.

Why is this important?

A 44% rise in the Council Tax to Salisbury City Council is scandalous. That's 4 x the rate of inflation and over 4 x the rise in incomes. How do they expect the majority of people to afford outrageous increases like that, especially when the price of food, fuel and other commodities are also increasing at an alarming rate. If they need to increase their cash flow so drastically then they should increase the tax on second homes and owners of holiday lets, for example, to make up their shortfall. In other words people who can well afford it, should pay more and not the poorest of the poor, who are also being hit by this massive increase.
Salisbury, UK

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