2024-07-04 20:13:19 +0100
To: Marks & Spencer Head Office
Save Ilford Marks & Spencer Store
Dear Marks & Spencer,
On behalf of many people within this area we believe that this branch of Marks & Spencer in Ilford should not be closed because it is such a valuable part of our High Road which needs to retain decent good quality shops that a great number of residents rely upon.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Scott.
On behalf of many people within this area we believe that this branch of Marks & Spencer in Ilford should not be closed because it is such a valuable part of our High Road which needs to retain decent good quality shops that a great number of residents rely upon.
Yours faithfully,
Paul Scott.
Why is this important?
Because other people need to join in and save this store due to the fact that its loss will result in Ilford becoming a much more run down shopping destination which would send our town in to a greater decline.