50 signatures reached
To: Slough residents
Save our ancient and old Oak Trees

Planned tree felling by Cadent. Along the Slough arm of the Grand Union Canal
Hopefully, you'll have all read the various recent posts about Cadent's planned tree felling of 40+ trees and vegetation between Station Road, Langley Bridge and Mansion Lane Bridge.
If each Slough resident supported this petition, we may be able to help find an alternative to this - most of the trees are oaks, some very old, each of which could support over 2000 species, some of which depend on oaks for their survival; the carbon they will have sequestered ( and are still doing). The aesthetic value of the trees is immeasurable for all canal users, but especially the residents at the moorings opposite. The trees provide an acoustic barrier also from train and industrial noise (at the western end of that length).
There are gas mains under towpaths all over the UK canal system and many towpaths are lined with trees. Will they all have to?
Why is this important?
The natural world and the impact to the environment and beauty of the Slough canal will be affected along with plants flowers and all species of animals who live here. We are trying to save a beautiful area from destruction. The canal was built over 142 years ago and we must preserve this heritage for the future.