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To: The Prime Minister

Sign this Petition and Strike a Blow for Democracy and the Climate

Dear Prime Minister,
We are currently facing two enormous challenges in the form of Climate Change and Vladimir Putin.
Please dynamically increase our fight to save the planet and at the same time significantly reduce our import of oil.
Simply by making us all 'ease up on the throttle’, you could instantaneously reduce our carbon ‘footprint’ and significantly reduce our demand for fossil fuels from overseas!
There are approximately 33 million passenger cars in the UK.. On average, each one is driven 10,000 miles a year consuming about 200 gallons of fuel which due to recent price rises, now costs each car-owner at least £1,600 p.a. Its price is escalating rapidly.
Each car produces 4.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year so our 33 million cars produce 152 million tonnes of it each year. In the 1970’s, we were suffering from acute fuel shortages and reduced the working week to 3 days at the same time reducing the national maximum speed limit to 50 mph in order to save fuel.
Based on scientific knowledge by merely reducing our the maximum speed limit on all roads to 50 mph, we would:
• Reduce by 20% our consumption of car fuel.
• We would subsequently reduce our diesel oil and petroleum imports by an estimated £5 billion per annum
• Our car owners and lessees who are currently paying £8 per gallon for it would save £320 per annum.
• We would reduce our carbon emissions by some 30,000,000 tons per annum.
• We would reduce the number of accidents.
• Servicing costs would be reduced and repair bills lessened.
• Lives would be saved
• A & E costs would be reduced freeing up hospital beds
• Importantly, we would be piling financial pressure on Russia.

Why is this important?

There are about a billion cars on the world’s roads. If most other countries took our lead and similarly reduced their own speed limits to 50 mph, it would not only bind them together in the fight against totalitarianism, it would strike fear in Putin’s heart and reduce worldwide carbon emissions by an estimated 4.6 billion tons per annum.
This would give us some space and time to save the world.

How it will be delivered

If successful, I would present this to the Prime Minister in person with appropriate press coverage.

Westminster, London SW1, UK

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2022-03-14 22:07:47 +0000

10 signatures reached