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To: The Scottish Government

Sir Stephen House has to go!

The Scottish Government must immediately ask Sir Stephen house to resign from his position as Chief Constable of Police Scotland

Why is this important?

Sir Stephen House, Chief Constable in charge of Police Scotand has presided over too many failures since the forces creation.

The latest incident, where two people sadly died after officers failed to attend their emergency call, is just one sad example of his failure.

We've seen case after case of Police Scotland letting the public down. The death of Sheku Bayoh at the hands of the police, the routine deployment of officers with guns on our streets, scaring and intimidating the public.

Sir Stephen House as the leader of this failing organisation must now take responsibility.

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2015-07-15 13:52:50 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-14 13:37:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-14 11:35:55 +0100

10 signatures reached