To: Prince Charles.

Small beautiful little Swifts need a home and protection.

Too many beautiful creatures are overlooked these days. Swifts are always in danger of being shot by countries such as Malta, Italy, etc., and if they survive their long journey find they no longer have places to build their nests. Please help to ensure the survival of these pretty little birds. Swifts also eat insects which damage crops and cause nasty bites to humans. I once lived in a top floor flat in a highrise. Every year hundreds of Swift would come and build nests all around the roof. They were a joy to see. Unfortunately, the flats have gone and so have the Swifts

Why is this important?

We as humans are becoming thoughtless and uncaring and take no notice or do not care what happens to the countryside anymore. What will be left for the future

Westbury on Trym, Bristol BS9 3DH, UK

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