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To: Local MPs and local businesses.

Save South Derbyshire mental health association, Bankhouse!

Bankhouse is a local mental health charity that supports local people with mental health and physical health problems as well as social anxieties, addictions etc. Due to funding withdrawal by Council and NHS Bankhouse faces closure around Christmas. Please sign, share or donate to local giving page, thank you.

Why is this important?

This charity has been here for 30 years plus and is vital support to many people, it is well used and needed, offering a drop in centre wirh help with food, counselling, paper work, bereavement, drug abuse, friendship, music, dance, so on and so on.

South Derbyshire District, UK

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2022-06-30 16:49:01 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-06-28 21:22:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-06-26 19:55:18 +0100

10 signatures reached