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To: Residents of Elizabeth Diamond Gardens

Speed bump on Elizabeth Diamond Gardens

Residents of Elizabeth Diamond Gardens in South Shields have a continued problem of cars speeding on to the street.
We think it would be beneficial to have speed ramps put down to solve this problem. Maybe signs for pensioners and children playing too.
Also there is no acceptable foot path around the corner and there are pensioners, disabled, and children walking on the street.
There is also a cut through from the main road leading to the corner where cars speeding around can't see.
We have all on the street noticed cars speeding and witnessed near misses.
Personally my children play out on the street and would not have a chance to move if a car come flying around.

It would be much appreciated if you could address this issue.

Kind regards
Residents of Elizabeth Diamond Gardens

Why is this important?

We should have speed ramps put down to stop cars speeding onto the street.
It's a safety issue for residents and members of the public using the cut through from the main road.
As there is no footpath speed ramps would solve the issue.

Elizabeth Diamond Gardens, South Shields NE33 5HX, UK

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2023-11-12 09:18:25 +0000

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