To: Lee Anderson MP

Speed Bumps Implementation

1. Helps control the speed of the road.
Strategically placed speed bumps help avoid road accidents and will make drivers slow down whether or not you want to.

Speed bumps successfully discourage reckless driving when people are in a hurry or do it for fun.

2. Reduce Accidents
This is the main intent behind installing speed bumps.
Crashes mostly result from the overspeed of vehicles. So, speed bumps are useful for keeping these crashes in check and help avoid all road accidents, they can help to avoid clashes up to a great extent. They leave drivers with no option other than slowing down their speed to a safe limit thus helping to avoid road accidents.

3. Helps Regulate Traffic
One of the most useful and common applications of speed bumps is that it helps control and regulate traffic. Obstructing traffic strategically helps it move controllably while helping avoid traffic problems.

People often avoid streets that have speed bumps.
The purpose behind streets lined with speed bumps is to direct some traffic from one to another street to avoid traffic congestion.

4. Ensures the Safety of Pedestrians
Pedestrians are most often at a high risk of accidents caused by speeding and traffic.

Speeding vehicles can put your life at risk. They help lower fatalities that occur because of vehicular accidents. Speed bumps force the driver to slow down...

5. Easy to Construct
Constructing speed bumps on roads is very easy. They don’t need any specialized or bulky machinery or tools. These can be easily installed wherever needed with the same material that is used for road construction.
You can choose plastic, metal or rubber speed bumps that work well in all weather conditions and on all road types.

Why is this important?

They improve road safety while having a minimal negative effect.
Many people claim that bumps on the road can be risky to motorcyclists and bicyclists. In addition, they reduce the overall response time when it comes to delivering emergency services.

Sutton-in-Ashfield NG17, UK

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