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To: Government

Speeding on Chesterton drive

I am writing this letter to start a petition to have speed bumps put on the main road at the back of my house.

Why is this important?

Myself and my neighbours agree that there should be some sort of speed reduction set in place on Chesterton drive.

I feel this should happen as both my cats have now been hit by cars and all of my neighbours who own cats are scared everyday about their pets. We are aware that it is not legal to stop if you hit a cat, but it is if you hit a dog, which should be changed as they are no different.

I have heard of other cats getting hit on Chesterton drive near the croft medical centre because of irresponsible drivers who go over the speed limit as it is a long stretch of road with now speed bumps.

I will also be starting a petition on the popular Facebook page [Royal Leamington spa notice] so please make something happen because it is not fair to keep cats in they can't be held captive in our homes.

Chesterton Dr, Sydenham, Royal Leamington Spa, Leamington Spa CV31, UK

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2022-09-26 07:15:35 +0100

10 signatures reached