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To: eader of the Green Party of England and Wales Incumbent Carla Denyer and MP & Adrian Ramsay MP Green Party of England & Wales

Stop Age Discrimination by Insurance Companies

Car share groups are springing up all across the country as a means of encouraging less reliance on private vehicles. But many are closed to those under the age of 25 and over 70. This is because the majority of insurance companies will not provide cover for those age groups.
While there is substantial evidence that shows newly licensed males between the ages of 18-21 cause a disproportionate number of road accidents, there is no such proof that those over 70 cause any more accidents than any other age group (about 10% on average). In fact, they are responsible for far fewer accidents than most other age groups.
At a time when the government is encouraging all of us to use alternative forms of transport, being part of a car share group would seem a no brainer, particularly when many share groups use electric vehicles. But insurance companies are actively discriminating against an age group that might be all too ready to give up private ownership of their cars.
I call on the government to address this discrimination by sleuth and insist insurance companies desist from treating certain age categories as 2nd class citizens.

Why is this important?

eader of the Green Party of England and Wales

Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay


2024-02-15 20:05:10 +0000

10 signatures reached