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To: The electorate and the Queen

Stop Boris Johnson promoting his friends to the Lords

If we don't make our voices heared, Boris Johnson will promote his friends/cronies/family to the House of Lords - this isn't 'democratic'.
Johnson has resigned, but is still there, with all the privileges. Eventually, someone will suggest, to 'ease' him out, why not make him a Lord - is it what we want?

Custom has it that on appointment, and again on resigning a PM can promote their friends/backers to the house of Lords. A committee vets the list, but their opinion can be ignored (and in recent history has been).

The House of Lords is already larger than the Commons. The fastest way to stop it getting even larger (and even more expensive) is to set a limit - such as: the Lords should be no larger than the Commons.

Why is this important?

I'm not on any 'social media', nor part of any political group, so I ask those of you who are - please spread this petition so that the public can have a say in who rules us.


2022-08-24 22:34:24 +0100

10 signatures reached