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To: Rossendale Council and Lancashire County Council

Stop Fracking in Rossendale

Dear Rossendale and Lancashire County Council we would like to request that you stop any plans and considerations you might have for Fracking in the Rossendale area.

Why is this important?

Fracking is quite possibly one of the most dangerous forms of creating energy ever invented. Whilst drilling chemicals are released into the ground with the water that get released into the environment. The chemicals are supposed to stay in the concrete pipes but they rarely do... The pipes crack and the chemicals leak into the environment and into our drinking water. Also the chemicals are released into the atmosphere leaving people and animals to breath this toxic mixture of chemicals into their body. The result is illness, disability, cancers, unable to drink tap water, our animals dying and our plants dying. The result is a whole toxic mess... And then there's the earth tremors and earthquakes.

"Fracking for Gas threatens us all. A fracking drill goes down vertically up to 2 miles, then horizontally up to 2 miles...possible under your house and then it is FRACKED." Source: RAFF - Residents Action Group on Fylde Fracking (2014)

"Fracking is a controversial and potentially dangerous method of extracting oil and natural gas. Hydraulic fracturing involves injecting a mixture of sand, water and chemical into the ground at high pressure causing rock to fracture and release trapped oil or gas." Source: The Green Party (2014)

Fracking is being held as a solution to our energy needs. It is claimed that it will bring down the cost of oil and gas. However, the sheer size of the world markets mean that the relatively small amounts to be recovered in the UK are unlikely to have a noticeable impact on the price we pay.

Leaving at least two-thirds of fossil fuels in the ground avoids a two degree rise in global temperatures. We therefore need to invest in renewable energy in order to combat climate change, not extract yet more fossil fuels by fracking.

Don't let the Government win this one!!


2014-09-06 22:29:31 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-07-11 22:08:30 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-07-10 17:10:22 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-07-10 14:10:55 +0100

10 signatures reached