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To: Members of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee of Brighton and Hove Council

Stop Illegal and Dangerous Parking on Western Rd!

We, the undersigned, petition Members of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee of Brighton and Hove Council to install two 15m loading ban bays, one at each end of the stretch of Western Road between Waterloo Street and Little Western Street to operate between 7pm to 7am and 10am to 4pm.

Why is this important?

Illegal parking at along this narrow stretch of Western Road causes numerous problems for pedestrians and road users. The restricted visibility on such a busy, fast road makes it very dangerous to cross, with pedestrians having to come right out in to the road before being able to see the oncoming traffic. Cars emerging from side streets do so blind due to illegally parked vehicles, buses and trucks can have trouble passing and congestion is exacerbated. Narrow pavements mean that at times pedestrians are forced off the pavement and in to the road. Furthermore the added noise late in to the night of car horns and drivers shouting to one another constitutes a public nuisance.


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2016-01-14 11:17:28 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-01-08 19:53:52 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-01-08 11:14:14 +0000

10 signatures reached