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To: Uk Government

Stop spiking with compulsory bag search at clubs

Given recent circumstances I think a compulsory bag search should be introduce. Spiking has always happened however not been as easy as people can see the difference in drinks and can some what protect themselves. This new form of spiking gives people 0 ways of preventing it. Should this go a head people won’t be able to take it in to clubs and pubs stopping others from having this traumatic experience.I personally think this will reduce rates of spiking and hopefully stop this new way. Giving more people comfort that they’re going to be safe on a night out.

Why is this important?

It is important because it means people can go out and have fun with they’re friends without watching over their shoulder. I’ve seen victims of spiking. There is several stories in the news for perfect examples. Sarah buckle is a recent one who was not only spiked but ended up in hospital with no memory of the previous night. She felt ‘violated’ and ‘vulnerable’. No person should ever have to experience this fear during a night with friends. These needles they are using could carry infections that will affect people for the rest of their lives. Again something that people have no control over.


2021-10-28 09:51:49 +0100

100 signatures reached

2021-10-24 22:00:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2021-10-24 20:51:22 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-10-24 20:10:03 +0100

10 signatures reached