To: Councillor Peter Clarke, MP Robbie moore

Stop Steeton Permit Parking scheme

This campaign has ended.

This scheme has been approved with no consideration and formative information given to the residents in the area.
The consultation period was a year before the objection period and even then the people there had no answers to residents questions.
The council have been very lacking with there communication and information given out to all it involves and refuse to do anything about it.
The change needs to be either scrapping the scheme all together and looking at the most cost effective way (double yellow lines) or we need to as a community agree with the terms (paper visitors permits and more than 1, times and days, streets etc)
Why? Well it's obvious.. because this way the residents are not penalised with one visitor, mich messing about online to change the passes, not having to thinking about ringing the council if they hold a funeral, not having to pay extra to have work done on ther house or other local small businesses to either.

Why is this important?

To help the residents... that is what Amy scheme should be about.. because at the minute it simply isn't and it's causing more stress and harm than needs to be

Steeton, Keighley BD20, UK

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