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To: Government, Co-operative bank, Football clubs, Football Associations


We want the Government to bring in legislation to protect greens fields which serve the community for recreation, sport and leisure activities. To encourage schools not to sell playing fields. For the banks to seriously support the local communities and not try to build houses all over the green fields. For Football clubs to support our campaign to protect our outdoor sports and open land for children and all ages.

Why is this important?

With serious levels of obesity, air pollution, tragic loss of green fields and forests not just around the UK but the world we need to STOP the greed of the 'big boys' going against the wishes of the communities they should protect. From local playing fields, parks and woodlands to world’s rain forest we are destroying our planet by chipping away at its' very life source. Governments have the power to put legislation in place to protect people but greed and profit sadly raises its' voracious head.  We want to start locally and stop the Midlands Co-op from building 82 houses on amazing green fields used for football. The plea of over 1000 residents has been ignored. Yardley is a hot spot for children's deaths with high traffic levels. High pollution is destroying peoples’ lungs especially children’s yet the Midlands Co-operative pretend they are the community's champion while the voice of the people is ignored.  The founding fathers of the co-operative would never have behaved in this way as they genuinely cared for the wellbeing of the communities they served. It appears the Rochdale Principles are sadly being buried and their ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others has been lost! We need to protect other communities from the same bulldog mentality.  Our planet is fragile and we are all suffering from not breathing quality air and/or having the exercise we and our children desperately need. In the past 13 years 34000 school pitches have disappeared! Please help us make a start to protect local people and our planet – thank you!

Barrows Lane Yardley Birmingham

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2021-02-18 22:44:56 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-04-11 21:38:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-04-05 00:22:31 +0100

10 signatures reached