To: UK Government

Stop These Huge Wagons Driving On Our Country Roads The Rail Road Should Be Used

Photo by Gabriel Santos on Unsplash
To use our perfectly situated Rail Network to deliver goods as NEARLY ALL MONSTER TRUCKS have no respect for Taxi or any other vehicles, they seem to either not use their mirrors or just love seeing a huge convoy of distressed drivers behind them, and in some cases near fatal accidents when drivers take out of the ussual risks.

Why is this important?

Less congested roads, no stupid risks, and the council wouldn't have to plough so much money on road works and traffic lights because of these monsters huge impact on us who have to sit behind these Disrespectfull Lorry drivers, our stone walls, beautiful bridges and pollution is a HUGE ISSUE.

Our poor country roads and bridges cannot sustain these road jamming monster trucks.
A493, Llwyngwril, UK

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