To: To Tesco’s CEO Ken Murphy, the biggest supermarket chain in the UK.

Supermarkets Own Label Plastic Packaging

Please let customers return your own label non recyclable plastic packaging

Why is this important?

This is a choice you make to package the majority of your own label products, the government should not have all the responsibility of destroying non recyclable packaging, you as the retailer are responsible for packaging own label products with non recyclable packaging, so you should bare the cost of dealing with your own non recyclable packaging.
You have said you are making strides into not using non recyclable plastic packaging, it’s not enough and it’s not timely, so in the meantime, immediately take back your own label non recyclable packaging.
This would send a clear message to all other supermarkets in the UK that you are taking responsibility for your actions and lead the way forward in this matter.

As you all know, plastic non recyclable plastic packaging is a huge problem and affects the planet we call home.
Supermarkets should take immediate responsibility for the materials they use and as such, should accept their own label non recyclable packaging at its stores.
Tesco’s have 4000 stores for us to take their own label non recyclable packaging to.
Tesco’s are the biggest supermarket in the UK, getting them to act immediately would encourage all other supermarkets to take back their own label non recyclable packaging.

United Kingdom

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