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To: FCO Minister Baroness Anelay

Support Native Americans Fighting for their Lives Sovereign Rights and our Planet against Big Oil

We ask that you make an official statement on behalf of the United Kingdom and the United Nations in Support and Solidarity with the indigenous led movement #NODAPL to stop the Dakota Access Pipeline at the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota in keeping with the UN Declaration on the right of Indigenous Peoples. Live up to both yours and the prime ministers pledge to provide humanitarian assistance and unwavering commitment to human rights and seize the opportunity to continue to be a force for good in the world!

Why is this important?

The largest gathering of Native Americans in history is under way as people from indigenous communities across the Americas and the world unite with the Standing Rock Sioux tribe to fight to protect the environment and ultimately their lives from the scourge of the fossil fuel industry. The North Dakota access pipeline (NDAPL) having been moved from its originally proposed route near the capital Bismarck now violates treaty land and threatens a people who have already suffered unspeakable genocide, treachery and persecution spanning centuries. Virgil Taken Alive, Standing Rock Member affirms: “Of the many atrocities we as Native Americans have faced and overcame, this is one which will affect not only us but all of mankind. Earth is our mother. We have to protect her.” The fact is, since 2009 when domestic oil production began ramping up, “the annual number of significant accidents on oil and petroleum pipelines has shot up by almost 60 percent, roughly matching the rise in U.S. crude oil production…” Only two days before this petition was drafted a subsidiary of the DAPL pipeline in Pennsyvlvania dumped 55,000 gallons of gasoline into the Susquehanna River.
Should it be allowed to continue the DAPL will cross over the Ogallala Aquifer (one of the largest aquifers in the world) and under the Missouri River twice (the longest river in the United States), the inevitable contamination of these water sources makes the Dakota Access pipeline a serious threat to humanity. It will threaten everything from farming and drinking water to entire ecosystems, wildlife and food sources. People all over the world are fighting back against fossil fuels and NODAPL is ground zero in the largest oil guzzling nation on earth. What happens here will reverberate around the world. We call to you join the struggle. Help spread the word. Make the politicians hear our voices and have good thoughts and prayers for those on the front lines.

Lakota Prayer- "Mitakuye Oyasin" -All Our Relations - We are all related.

United Kingdom

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2016-10-29 20:42:48 +0100

10 signatures reached