To: The general tax paying public

Support The Benefit Card System as proposed by the Conservative government

There is currently a campaign to scrap the idea of the benefit card system, which I do not support. I am not saying that all people on benefits abuse the system but there are a significant minority who do. The benefit system was introduced to allow people on no or low incomes to obtain the essentials of living such as food, drink, clothing and shoes, with perhaps a little extra for other home comforts. The vast majority who use their benefits for these reasons have nothing to fear from the introduction of a card system as this is how they already spend their benefit money. The minority who do abuse the current situation would find it virtually impossible to do so with the proposed card system and there are obviously money saving possibilities if it is introduced.

Why is this important?

Remember it is your hard earned tax money that provides these benefits and it is therefore sensible to introduce some workable measure of control. I believe that the proposed card system will effect that control.