To: The UK Government

The Elderly Pensioners Mortgage Bill

Photo by Esther Ann on Unsplash
Safeguard Vulnerable Adults/Pensioners by stopping Banks and Building Societies from sending legal letters to elderly parents (guarantors) over the age of 70 causing Alarm and Distress leading to ill health, stress, depression, anxiety and Alzeimers Disease.


Why is this important?

Unfortunately, some children and grandchildren will use the parent/grandparent as a guarantor and in some instances inflict financial abuse on the guarantor by defaulting on mortgage payments resulting with the parent paying the mortgage and receiving legal letters as my father received from the age of 75 (between 2010 and 2021) which I believe caused his Alzeimers.

If things stay the same then financial abuse of a parent, and a refusal to adhere to safeguarding by banks and building societies will continue, seriously affecting the mental health of elderly parents who are robbed of their peaceful retirement by their children and grandchildren.

The importance of immediate action is required so that elderly vulnerable adults can be protected by new legislation which would also stop banks and building societies from putting elderly parents in excess debt, causing extremely poor mental health, taking its toll, resulting in an early death for the elderly victim.

South Ruislip, Ruislip HA4, UK

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