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To: UCLan Graduation Team

The Fight for Burnley Graduation

Students at UCLan Burnley want a Graduation Ceremony held in Burnley and not at the Preston Campus. Travel costs, accessibility issues, short notice for the Preston event and concerns over being in a new place, where the unknown can be uncomfortable for some people are just a small number of the barriers Burnley students are facing.

Why is this important?

A number of Burnley businesses support Burnley Students, so not only would only would it be great to have a local ceremony that will bring visitors and income to the town, we also want to celebrate in the place we have been calling "home" for the duration of our studies.
Trafalgar St, Burnley BB11 1RA, UK

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2022-05-21 13:01:27 +0100

50 signatures reached

2022-05-21 09:51:50 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-05-21 04:27:53 +0100

10 signatures reached