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To: UK Government

Provide free sanitary products

By signing this petition, you are supporting the idea of having free access to sanitary products for females across the UK.

Why is this important?

This petition is for the government to provide free sanitary products for females across the UK. This is so that homeless people specifically, are able to access these toiletries with no cost, to help them in their current situation. How is it that with the use of a C-card, UK citizens are allowed to have access to free condoms, but necessities like a pad or a tampon are not, and are in fact, overly priced, as it is classified as a "luxury" product. With your help, we can change that. By signing this petition, we urge the government to be fair to females in struggling situations. Thank You.


2017-05-17 14:45:59 +0100

10 signatures reached