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To: Councillers within our community

Tougher laws for people who bully vulnerable people

My son gets bullied a lot because he has autism.and ALN, but because he is an adult and is bullied by people who are younger, nothing gets done. My son has the right just as all other aln , adults and children to be free in his community. More needs to be done to stop the vulnerable being afraid to go out because of bullies. More needs to be done to educate the community aswell as on the people who commit acts of hare upon vulnerable people, regardless of age.

Why is this important?

This affects many people of all ages and spectrums. 2022 and people still live in fear, get excluded socially all because they have a learning disability. This needs to change.
Neath, UK

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2022-05-15 07:20:42 +0100

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2022-05-14 08:31:53 +0100

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