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To: Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council

Twenty’s Plenty for Stockport

More and more towns are setting speed limits of 20mph for residential roads. This makes sense because the 30mph limit was introduced in 1934 when traffic was one tenth of what it is now. 30mph has outlived its use and doesn’t provide adequate safety in current times, now we have more and faster cars.
Several roads in Stockport already have 20mph limits, but many residential roads that are still 30mph are used as “rat runs”, making life dangerous and unpleasant for the people who live there.

Why is this important?

We need changes to make our roads safer and to make our communities more people friendly. Reducing speed limits to 20mph would help do this. When Portsmouth put 20mph limits across all residential roads, average speeds dropped by 7mph. Hull's 20mph zones reduced child pedestrian casualties by 74%.
In July 2021, Stockport Council formally recognised the arguments in support of 20mph speed limits and agreed to 20mph for all its residential roads. The Council resolved to set up a working group to make this happen. Into October, and the cross-party group has not yet formed. We, the undersigned residents of Stockport, urge Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council to act on its agreement and implement a Borough-wide 20mph limit as a matter of urgency

Stockport, UK

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2021-11-07 20:29:40 +0000

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2021-09-30 18:07:58 +0100

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