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To: Amber Rudd Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change


Commence a full audit of renewable energy and potential future capacity. To include and not limited to solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geothermal, anaerobic digestion and biomass. The investigation for future energy to be made with the renewable energy bodies and associations of each sector.

Why is this important?

This will give all political parties and the nation the information that shows how much of the UKs power can be achieved without fossil fuels and to help plan for the shortfall if any .


2015-04-05 09:07:47 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-02-04 10:19:20 +0000

100 signatures reached

2015-02-02 17:23:44 +0000

50 signatures reached

2015-02-01 19:53:39 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-02-01 13:18:58 +0000

10 signatures reached