To: Prison Welfare Reform Mark Pritchard Owen Patterson

Urgent Medical Care Defibrillators For Prisons

Every Prison has a Defibrillator onsite and Urgent Medical Care Training is provided for All Prison Staff whom have contact with Prisoners. There is a Duty of Care to Perform.

Why is this important?

I have personal experience of this unfortunately as my own father died prematurely whilst in HMP Brixton Prison
of a Myocardinal Infraction ie a heart attack. He was on beta-blockers at the time. I still have his watch stuck on the exact time. I think that if every Prison had a defibrillator onsite and the staff are trained in Urgent Medical Care then many incidents could be prevented or at least alleviated whilst waiting for Emergency Care Providers. Especially when they may have a condition which could affect their Mental or Physical Health or both. We are all human and even if we are sent to Prison
don't you think we owe it to the prisoners to take care of them too. It is a Human Right's Issue and it should happen. There are so many Prisoners and Overcrowding is a Huge Issue. I Urge you to join this campaign thank you for reading this issue

United Kingdom

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