1,000 signatures reached
To: Conservative Party
Vote of NO confidence in MP Andrew Turner, Isle of Wight

Remove MP Andrew Turner from office
Why is this important?
We feel that MP Andrew Turner is no longer fit to conduct his duties as spokesperson for the residents of the Isle of Wight.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that his views and voting record are not in alignment with the needs of the local people.
He recently claimed he was doing all in his power to bring the issues of cuts to our local budget to Westminster, in an attempt to gain more funds, only to vote for a reduction in local government grants later the same day. Completely contradicting his previous efforts.
Although his comments at PMQT about Tigers got the attention of the country, it wasn't in a positive or productive manner.
The most vulnerable people in our society are going to suffer the most by the time the entire cuts (including some statutory services) are rolled out & our Council looks like it will be bankrupt.
Eventually everyone will be effected by the inability of our present MP to fairly represent us at a governmental level.
It's time to step aside & let someone who has a clear understanding of the political situation and has the peoples best interests at heart take the reigns.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that his views and voting record are not in alignment with the needs of the local people.
He recently claimed he was doing all in his power to bring the issues of cuts to our local budget to Westminster, in an attempt to gain more funds, only to vote for a reduction in local government grants later the same day. Completely contradicting his previous efforts.
Although his comments at PMQT about Tigers got the attention of the country, it wasn't in a positive or productive manner.
The most vulnerable people in our society are going to suffer the most by the time the entire cuts (including some statutory services) are rolled out & our Council looks like it will be bankrupt.
Eventually everyone will be effected by the inability of our present MP to fairly represent us at a governmental level.
It's time to step aside & let someone who has a clear understanding of the political situation and has the peoples best interests at heart take the reigns.