To: UK Government

We oppose the governments plans to dictate what goes on in our own homes to our own bodies

We do not support the government's proposals to ban treatments that are currently performed "at home" at the discretion of the homeowner.

We believe it is the fundamental right of the general public to decide what personal treatments they would like to undergo and where they would like those treatments to be performed.

Why is this important?

We welcome the government's proposals to regulate the aesthetics industry by ensuring all practitioners are fully qualified, licensed, and indemnified under a common set of standards for the benefit of improving safety and protecting the general public.

We believe this ban is a fundamental abuse of the freedoms of the general public and that the government has no right to say where a person chooses to have their treatment provided that treatment is carried out by a fully qualified, licensed, and indemnified practitioner and that the treatment setting does not put undue risk on patient, practitioner or treatment.

If we allow the government to dictate what is going on in our own homes to our own bodies on this occasion, what will be next?

It is imperative to act now. The Health and Care Act 2022 allows for secondary legislation. That secondary legislation is now under review and a consultation period with the general public and industry stakeholders is open until 29th October 2023. This petition sets out to show the government that people object to a fundamental abuse of their freedoms in this matter whilst supporting the overall need for an improved framework for their safety.

Aside from the fundamental right we have to decide what we choose to do with our own bodies in our own homes, there are many sole traders and micro businesses serving as mobile practitioners for their communities. There are many valid reasons why a person would want to have treatment at home or in another suitable location outside of a clinic setting, including but not limited to, mobility, mental health, convenience, discretion, and many more.