To: we call upon the government to not allow Ofgem to raise the price cap in October as this will drive poor and working class people in to extreme poverty people should not have to be put in a situation

We the working class people demand no energy price increase in October

we call upon the government to not allow Ofgem to raise the price cap in October as this will drive poor and working class people in to extreme poverty people should not have to be put in a situation where they have to choose between eating or heating and heating your home should not be a privilege only for the rich it is essential that energy prices do not rise any further in October as the cost of living and energy prices are already out of control if conservatives do not listen to use the people we will take this petition to all other parties to make sure this reaches everybody's attention

Why is this important?

because people should not have to be put in a situation where they have to choose between eating or heating and heating your home should not be a privilege only for the rich it is essential that energy prices do not rise any further in October as the cost of living and energy prices are already out of control if conservatives do not listen to use the people we will take this petition to all other parties to make sure this reaches everybody's attention
London, UK

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