Don't Bomb Syria

One of 38 Degrees members core values is peace. With the threat of war on the horizon, lots of 38 Degrees members are starting campaigns to promote peace.

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Campaigns (15)

  • Stop the cold blooded massacre in Syria!
    Because Syrian lives matter.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sanaan ahmed
  • Do not bomb Syria
    National security, humanity and a moral obligation
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Comyn
  • Say No to bombing campaig against ISIS
    Because it's a really bad idea. Everyone is appalled by the terrorist acts in Paris instigated by ISIS and the easy reaction is to back the idea of bombing ISIS in revenge. If I beleived it help stop ISIS I would agree with it in a heartbeat. Unfortunately the reality is trying to bomb ISIS would play right into their hands and act as recruiting agent. Jürgen Todenhöfer one of the only journalists to speak to ISIS know the reality of this. Your heart will say back the French and attempt to bomb ISIS. Your head should say it's the worst idea posible.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Morris
  • No to UK air strikes in Syria
    The UK should not be involved in air strikes in Syria. We should have no military involvement as a country. The UK should only be involved as a member of the UN and contribute an even military action etc evenly with all other members. What good did out involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya achieve.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by david west
  • No British bombs in syria
    There have been almost 30,000 bombs dropped there already by 15 other countries, what makes British bombs any more effective?????
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Oneill
  • No air strikes against Syria
    Not only is bombing a country wrong on moral grounds surely we are doing exactly what ISIS / ISIL want? Not only would we be killing thousands of innocent people but air strikes would also promote division between the West and ISIS / ISIL supporters. ISIS / ISIL WANT a holy war. Bombing Syria is leading to a holy war in their eyes. Air strikes will only create more martyrs and increase terrorist acts by ISIS / ISIL. Surely this is obvious?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacky Misson Picture
  • Don't bomb Syria
    It is important that the UK has a plan, and not a "knee jerk reaction" before attacking targets in Syria. We the British public demand a clear plan for Syria to help the Syrian people.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Henwood Picture
  • Call on Labour MPs to support Jeremy Corbyn on Syria
    The recent Labour Party conference agreed four conditions that would have to be satisfied before military action could be supported. None of these have been satisfied: 1. Clear and unambiguous authorisation from the United Nations. As reported by the BBC, UN Security Council resolution 2249 carried last week does not provide a legal basis for military action by the UK and does not invoke Chapter VII of the UN charter authorising the use of force. 2. A comprehensive EU-wide plan to provide humanitarian assistance to the consequent increase in the number of refugees. In fact, the EU refugee plan is unravelling and the approach to refugees is highly fragmented. 3. That bombing is exclusively directed at military targets directly associated with 'ISIL'. There is evidence that around 90% of drone strike victims in other conflicts were unintended casualties. 4. That any military action is subordinated to international diplomatic efforts, including the main regional powers, to end the Syrian civil war. The shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkey in addition to differing approaches to the Assad regime and a continuing multifaceted conflict make a broadly-based, sovereign Syrian government that could retake territory currently controlled by ISIL a diminishing prospect. We would all like to see the defeat of IS. The future of the Assad government should be determined by the Syrian peoples alone and not by Western intervention. What is certain is that further bombing will increase the humanitarian crisis and cause civilian loss of life. Recent wars have created the sort of stateless societies in which terrorist groups like ISIL can thrive, as recently admitted by Tony Blair when he stated that the invasion of Iraq created the conditions for the rise of ISIL. Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 59.5% of voters. It's time to stand by the democratically expressed will of the party members.
    20,581 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by David Gering-Hasthorpe
  • Please, don't bomb Syria!
    Thousands of innocent people will die and the refugee crisis will escalate, pushing us all towards a never-ending conflict. The vast amount of public money that this military action will cost could be well spent elsewhere. War only escalates more war, please listen to the voice of reason.
    14,212 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Jay Tubsman
  • Newbury
    NO to United Kingdom bombing Syria
    World peace. Save innocent lives. In the name of humanity. Peace after horrific tragedies already occurred. Please. We beg of the international community.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by suzanna twohig