Save our buses

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Campaigns (9)
Church CrookhamDon't cut buses in Fleet and Church Crookham.Residents of Fleet and Church Crookham are alarmed and dismayed to learn that there will be severe and substantial cuts to the bus services in our area. Under these proposals Bus 72 will no longer go to Aldershot from Fleet, instead replacing the number 30 to Farnborough, thus preventing people from getting to work in Aldershot and children from much of Fleet being able to get to All Hallows School and Sixth Form college. There will be no buses between Fleet and Aldershot. The number 30 as well as going to Farnborough serves as a school bus service to Calthorpe Park School from Ancells Farm. Bus 77 is going to be cut, meaning that children will no longer be able to get the bus to Calthorpe Park School – this at a time when Calthorpe Park School is rapidly expanding. Getting to Frimley Park hospital will become much more challenging. Furthermore Pondtail, Crookham village, Zebon Copse and Quetta Park will no longer have any scheduled bus service at all, isolating many in these communities. This will be a severe disadvantage for elderly and disabled people in our area along with many young people.2,295 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Horton
HatfieldTermination of the 797 Greenline-London coach from StevenageThis service is used by a lot of local residents every day to go back and forth to London where they work. Without the 797 they will have to use the train at nearly double the cost. The students at Herfordshire University will be affected in the same way. Patients having to go to major London hospitals will be in the same situation. Old aged pensioners with freedom passes won't be able to use it in the train and won't be able to afford the train fare. Arriva operates the 757 service from Luton to London -Victoria. They run 45 coaches 24 hours daily. If Arriva says that they are discontinuing the 797 because it is not economical. The same applies to the five 757 services both ways between 1.00am - 5.00am in the morning. Arriva could cancel these five services and instead run a minimum 797 service which in the end will be more profitable for the operator. This way customers of the 797 won't be so badly affected by Arrivas decision.787 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Kay Ashley
BathFare Deal for Bath FamiliesLast school holidays I took my two children on the number 14 bus to Victoria Park playground. The return fare for one adult and two children from Bear Flat was £10. That's £10 to travel about one and half miles to a local park. If a child needs to take the bus to school it costs a fortune. A weekly pass is £15.50. If two children take the bus it costs the family £31 a week. That works out at roughly £1,200 a year for two kids in term time alone. These prices are just not affordable. You responded to consumer pressure in Bristol and reduced the cost of bus travel. We are asking you to act fairly in Bath because right now most families are priced off your buses.386 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Melanie Delargy
MukerPlease bring back the No 30 busThe number 30 bus from Richmond to Keld in North Yorkshire is very important to me as it is my lifeline. Living in a rural area, independence is very important for me but following cuts by North Yorkshire County Council my bus service has been withdrawn completely meaning a loss of independence which in turn has triggered a return of severe depression and anxiety. I travel by bus regularly for my dentist,doctors and psychiatric appointments all of which are over 9 miles away. I am now no longer able to go shopping and do any kind of leisure pursuits with my son as I am unable to get a connection from Richmond to travel by train should I wish to do so. My son who also uses the bus has now had to stop drama classes as he can no longer get home in the evening. The loss of this service is having a detrimental impact on my state of mind and well-being and we feel our right to public transport has been taken away leaving us in total isolation. Richmond our nearest town is over 20 miles away. I cannot drive and I am unable to afford a taxi or costs of other transport as I live on a limited budget. Having to move away from this area would have a devastating impact on my mental health as I would have to leave my job, where my employers are totally supportive of my mental illness, my home where my landladies are also supportive of my mental illness. Many other people in the surrounding areas have also been badly affected. Both the Government and local council must understand that cutting bus services to make short term savings has hugely detrimental effects on people. Upper Swaledale also gets a lot of tourists and walkers along the Coast 2 Coast path and Pennine Way during the year who also use the bus services. Cutting off access to the countryside means that businesses and the tourist industry will also suffer. Please sign my petition to Leader of North Yorkshire County Council: Councillor John Weighell calling for them to think again and reinstate the number 30 bus service between Richmond to Keld.289 of 300 SignaturesCreated by nina davies
PeterboroughReintroduce the local link 406 bus service!The decision to cut the service, ignored public opinion and contradicted the local authority's own comments just a few years ago, when in a press release it was announced that ‘due to a high number of passengers using the Local Link 406 service, these buses will run half-hourly rather than hourly on a three-month trial basis’ – So why remove a much needed and required service for local people! A local link bus service, like the 406, not only helps address the ever increasing number of cars on the road, thus reducing the cost of road repairs each year and burden on the local tax payers, enables people to be able to travel around the city and visit commercial premises, thus supporting the local economy, but more importantly helps reduce harmful pollution and impact on our city's environment.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darren Fower
Sturminster NewtonStur newton-Poole bus routeTo give us the opportunity to go where the work is, give our young people the widest choice to access education and to stop the gentrification of our rural areas.437 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Isabelle Allison
Bus service for Finchley Memorial HospitalWe have a brand new, gleaming hospital which people cannot reach because it is not on a bus route. Many of the services based there: physiotherapy, falls prevention, community dieticians, are geared towards people who are frail and cannot walk long distances. 500m might not seem a long distance for most people, but on a zimmer frame or crutches it is forever. Parts of the hospital are empty because local GPs do not want to move to a building which their patients cannot access. The plans for this building always included a bus stop, but what we need now is a bus which will actually stop outside the hospital door. There is a cross party consensus that this needs to happen urgently. Please add your voice so the Mayor of London understands how important this is. Thanks.2,023 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Julia Hines
Save the Free Bus!The service is a lifeline to many ordinary people, particularly those with mobility problems. Sheffield's FreeBee service is very popular and has been a great link to the new Moor Market. It is described on the Travel South Yorkshire website as “a huge success” and in 2009 after only two years of operating “carried its millionth passenger…, smashing predicted figures and receiving glowing feedback." We urge you as Councillors who represent people in South Yorkshire not to enforce these savage cuts and other associated 'savings' on the local population and instead look at the long-term value to society and the local economy this service provides.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Reeve
Say No to School Transport CostsStaffordshire County Council is proposing to charge £380 a year per child for transport where children are not attending the nearest school. The figure does not take proper account of income and could be increased. For thousands of families their nearest school is not the local catchment school there is no way of avoiding this cost. An estimated 72 schools are affected and could face losing pupils. In Perton where I live the nearest school is in Wolverhampton which is another Local Education Authority. We have no choice but to send children to Codsall if we want them to go to the local catchment school. The council is suggesting that pupils should walk to school if parents can't afford the transport costs or drive them, but with many of the those affected living in rural areas, walking along unlit 60 mile an hour roads is not a safe or viable option. It will also lead to a increased volume of cars on many roads causing disruption and congestion to other travellers. This policy is poorly thought through and unfair especially at a time when many families are already struggling to make ends meet.2,459 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Debbie Swan