Stop TTIP!

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Campaigns (3)
LondonHaringey Council to oppose TTIPTTIP will have a major impact on the lives of the people of Haringey. * It represents a dangerous new step in the process of opening public services - including health and social welfare, housing, education and the environment - to unaccountable, private, corporations. * It undermines the ability of local authorities to impose minimum standards of employment, training, quality, environmental protection, energy conservation, or health and safety. * It ‘locks-in’ the current privatization programme and makes it extremely difficult for future local authorities to take back, ‘in house’, contracted out services.610 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Rod Wells
ASK JO SWINSON MP TO SAVE THE NHS FROM TTIPJo Swinson MP is well aware that the pending new EU trade deal with the USA (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP) could make existing privatisations of the NHS, and all that follows them, irreversible. All Cameron has to do is to threaten to use his veto by ensuring all mention of Health is removed from the treaty. We want Lib Dem MPs to insist he does it. Jo Swinson can help stop the Privatisation of the NHS and make sure it stays in our control, not the control of American multinationals. She should write to Cameron without delay. Because TTIP is negotiated between the coalition government at Westminster and the EU, it could have an effect on Scotland's healthcare services too, even though our NHS is devolved. The coalition government are putting the NHS in Scotland at risk too. Under this TTIP Agreement, our elected Government would not be able to bring NHS services back into public ownership regardless of circumstances. This is because TTIP will include legal arrangements whereby multinational Health corporations can sue Governments for loss of profits. TTIP Negotiations are taking place right now, and neither the European Union or the Con / Lib Government can give assurances that the NHS is safe or not. David Cameron can clear up all this confusion and protect the NHS.271 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Linda Clarke
Boycott 'Which?' to stop TTIPPossible benefits to consumers are the trump card for those supporting TTIP. Despite the organisation's good work in other areas on behalf of UK consumers, 'Which?' is currently giving key support to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The narrow possible consumer benefits of lower prices are minimal compared with the potential broad consumer damage from this so-called 'trade' agreement. The dangers of lowered standards in chemical and food health and safety, the provision for corporations to sue our government for any regulatory changes that hit their future profits, the blocking of any renationalising of public services like the NHS plus expected job losses, are ways that TTIP will profoundly affect consumers beyond a few possible price reductions. 'Which?' is allowing itself to be used to justify this bill of corporate rights. A shift in the position of consumer organisations will potentially kill this deal and 'Which?' is our UK responsibility. We call for a boycott of 'Which?' until it changes its position and ceases to support TTIP.473 of 500 SignaturesCreated by linda kaucher