38 Degrees Cymru

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Campaigns (15)

  • Reverse the Beeching Cuts
    It will encourage many people to commute by the railways to get quicker travel and cheaper payments. In addition many people are asking for their railways to be brought back especially in North Wales. My Dad would use the railways more then he would use the car.
    427 of 500 Signatures
    Created by D George
  • Declare Neath Port Talbot a Frack Free Zone
    Neath Port Talbot has for centuries been an industrial area but now in the 21st century, the surrounding countryside is starting to return to its former glory with much of the area now supporting a thriving tourist industry. The people of Neath Port Talbot would like to keep it this way and do not want any form of shale gas or oil extraction by any method whatsoever, namely by Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking), Coal Bed Methane or Underground Coal Gasification.
    2,170 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Neale Evans
  • Holywell
    save the Duke of Lancaster
    The Duke of Lancaster is the last passenger only steam turbine ship left in existence. She is listed on the Historic Ships Register. When she was open as the Funship she became the third most popular tourist attraction in Wales, creating many jobs. She could do this again regenerating the area, bringing so many benefits to the local and surrounding area. The Council should allow the ship to be restored and reopened as a Funship.
    5,303 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by ashley gardner
  • Ban Polystyrene(EPS) Fast Food and Drinks Packaging
    Environmental Group The Friends of Barry Beaches have launched a petition calling on the Welsh Government to ban the use of polystyrene fast food and drinks containers throughout Wales. They say they are “sick and tired” with removing thousands of polystyrene fast food and hot drinks containers from local Welsh beaches especially when there are bio-degradable alternatives(cardboard or cornstarch) readily available on the market. The Chairman of FoBB and also the Cabinet Member for the Environment and Visible Services on the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Councillor Rob Curtis, said: “We now need the support of the people of Britain to finally put an end to this fast food polystyrene madness. Our beach cleaning volunteers are sick and tired of removing thousands of items of polystyrene from our beaches each year. These products are made from petroleum, a non-sustainable and heavily polluting resource. It is costing local Councils millions to clean up this mess week in week out, but it is also costing our environment a lot more. Marine animals easily mistake polystyrene for fish eggs, these in turn are eaten by larger marine animals and the polystyrene is passed on. Polystyrene takes hundreds… if not thousands of years to biodegrade, in the meantime it just gets smaller and smaller thus making it easier for our wildlife to ingest! But it does not have to be this way… nearly all our larger fast food chains have switched to biodegradable alternatives. Yet go to any small takeaway on the high street or at a major event and they will nearly always supply you with a polystyrene food container and hot drink cup. None of it will be recycled because it is so difficult to recycle polystyrene. Just last month the City Council of New York unanimously decided to vote for a ban on polystyrene food containers (if they are unable to find an economical recycling solution). It is now time for the Welsh Government to take a lead and vote to protect our communities, our countryside and our beaches from this horrendous blight."
    492 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rob Curtis
  • Save Bronglais Hospital
    I've heard that Hywel Dda health board are to downgrade Bronglais. They'll stabilize patients in Bronglais, then fly them down to Carmarthen
    3,881 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Ieuan Hywel Griffiths