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To: Brighton & Hove City Council

Close Hove Dog Track (CHDT)


Dear Sir/Madam,

We are petitioning for Brighton & Hove Greyhound Stadium to be closed and its licence removed because of the suffering and abuse of animals in the greyhound racing industry.

RSPCA, Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Wood Green Animal Shelter and rescue charities have recently called for an end to greyhound racing in the UK.

We ask Brighton City Council to revoke the Coral Greyhound Stadium licence with a proposed five year phase out to ensure all dogs are safely re-homed.

Every week at this track at least two dogs fall, some sustain long term injuries and have even died.

10,000 dogs are removed from the racing circuit every year as more dogs are bred for the gambling industry.

The dogs may be exported outside of the UK for breeding and racing, killed as surplus to requirements or languish in isolation in kennels for the rest of their lives.

No dog should be injured or lose their life for entertainment.

The land in Nevill Road could be used for much needed affordable housing or used as an area that would benefit the local community.

Yours faithfully

CloseHoveDogTrack (CHDT)

Why is this important?

• RSPCA, Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Animal Shelter and rescue charities recently called for an end to greyhound racing in the UK.

• Brighton Council stop renewing the Coral Brighton & Hove Greyhound Stadium licence.

• Phase out greyhound racing over 5 years.

• Ensure all dogs are safely re-homed.

• Every week at this track at least 2 dogs fall.

• Dogs sustain long term injuries and die.

• 10k dogs are removed from racing every yr.

• Dogs are bred for the gambling industry.

• Dogs are sent out of the UK for breeding.

• After they ‘retire’ dogs are to *China to race.

• Dogs spend the rest of their lives kennels.

• No dog should be injured or lose their life.

• Nevill Rd land could be used for housing.

• Or an area benefiting the local community.

・Join our Facebook, Insta, Twitter.
・Join our protests & outreach stalls.
・Order leaflets and stickers via our website.
・Help spread the word locally & online.
・Write to B&H Council (use template above)
・Write to your local MP.

It’s not sport, it’s animal cruelty.


* and other countries

How it will be delivered

Printed and hand delivered to Brighton & Hove City Council Licensing Dept.

Nevill Rd, Hove BN3 7BZ, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




2023-03-04 13:23:18 +0000

50 signatures reached

2022-10-19 07:35:05 +0100

25 signatures reached

2022-10-17 13:25:35 +0100

10 signatures reached