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To: Claire Coutinho MP

Keep Horley Green

Say NO - Keep Horley Green by rejecting plans for the 172 acre business park in Horley

Why is this important?

Creating the 172 acre business park will mean wiping out green fields, businesses and a restaurant. Bayhorne Farm is a 72 acre farm - currently a well established and large Equestrian centre, the only one left in Horley and just one of the many green areas which will be destroyed and build on! If this plan goes ahead many people will lose their businesses, livelihoods, farm land, and homes. Not to mention the impact to the environment and wildlife!

Bayhorne Farm has been farmed by 6 generations of the Whittaker Family - due to recent developments it is now the last remaining SCC farmed land left in Horley.

Not only will the development plans create a substantial flood risk to the local area which is prone to flooding - it will be catastrophic to the large arrays of local wildlife who call the farm land and Bayhorne home, some of which are protected, such as, Badgers, Deers, Geese, Owls, Hedgehogs, Adders, many species of Birds, Bats, and other animals. Many of these animals return to Bayhorne EVERY year to the same areas of the farm.
We have also been contacted by neighbouring residents who said they have confirmed crested newts. The farm has a large quantity of Bluebells which are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

The farm is also home to a listed building, and the land has an historical interest too.

The people of Horley have voiced their opinion - they do not want yet more developments, they want to preserve the very reason they love Horley - the countryside and its heritage - keeping the small town rural feel rather than bulldozing all of the green open spaces we have and replacing them with yet more concrete! Utilise the existing empty commercial spaces.

Help us to #KeepHorleyGreen and help us petition against these plans!

Find us on Facebook @ Keep Horley Green.
Horley, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL




6 years ago

This is your last chance to have your say on Reigate and Banstead Borough Council's DMP document.
We need to act now to prevent them changing the Local Plan to include the business park.

If the business park is in the local plan IT WILL BE BUILT in one form or another! The land will change from rural green space to concrete!

Once its gone its gone forever.

The deadline is Friday 23/2/18 by 5pm.

How to comment:

Use the online survey:

• Via email to

• In writing to Planning Policy, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council, Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate, RH2 0SH

• Online via Reigate & Banstead Borough Council website

By 23 February 2018

Where to get help and further information

• Email –

• Reigate & Banstead Borough Council website

6 years ago

Reminder - tonight is our KEEP HORLEY GREEN open meeting - all welcome.

Come down and have your say, before it's too late .

The meeting is tonight- the 15th of February at 7:30 pm at the Edmonds Community Hall, 92 Albert Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 7HZ.

We have hired the hall in the Horley Town Council building, but the meeting is organised and run by us the Keep Horley Green Campaign team.

The venue capacity is 60 people, we very much hope that we will be able to accommodate everyone who attends.
Please come along to the meeting to find out what’s proposed and how you can put your views across.

Everyone is welcome.

For more details please see our website: .
or email

6 years ago


We are writing to let you know about our Keep Horley Green Open Meeting.

The meeting is on the 15th of February at 7:30 pm at the Edmonds Community Hall, 92 Albert Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 7HZ.

We have hired the hall in the Horley Town Council building, but the meeting is organised and run by us the Keep Horley Green Campaign team.

The venue capacity is 60 people, we very much hope that we will be able to accommodate everyone who attends.
Please come along to the meeting to find out what’s proposed and how you can put your views across.

Everyone is welcome.

For more details please see our website: .
or email

6 years ago

URGENT: Have your say by the 23rd of February!
Objections made previously will not be automatically rolled forward! So you need to resubmit your comments for the Government inspector’s consideration.

We’ve already made a difference, now you can too!
Act now before it is too late! Email them, write to them, and tell them what you think

Comments can be submitted:
· Using this survey:
· By email -
· By post – Policy, Town Hall, Castlefield Road, Reigate RH2 0SH
Thank you for your support,
Joanna Barnett
Keep Horley Green

6 years ago

URGENT: Have your say by the 23rd of February!

9 years ago

3400 online signatures

9 years ago


9 years ago

1,000 signatures reached

9 years ago

(..) cont (..) My own position on this isn't quite made up yet. I am supportive of any scheme which may bring benefits to the town, and I feel there is much potential here, however I am rather alarmed at the speed in which these proposals have been and are being pushed through, as well as the sort time scale involving the potential CPO. As I myself was not aware of these plans at all untill a week before the executive meeting on Thursday, it has been hard to assess both the negatives and positive effects this will have on our town without a full report and public consultation. For those who wish to know what was actually discussed at the executive meeting, you can watch the web stream here at:
I will be watching the progress and outcome of these proposals, and I expect all our residents to have full consultation prior to any final decision being made.

9 years ago

From Cllr Stevens - Horley Central
Dear all,
As a Cllr for Horley Central, could I remind your supporters that they can indeed contact and make their feelings known to their local Cllrs on this issue? The 2 wards affected are Horley East and Horley Central.You can find details here at:

9 years ago

500 signatures reached

9 years ago

Cllr Essex (Green Party) has written a blog on this and given comments to local press.

9 years ago

100 signatures reached

9 years ago

50 signatures reached

9 years ago

25 signatures reached