• Petition to Introduce Charges for Overnight Camping at Shingle Bank and Shellness
    1. Environmental Protection: Shingle Bank and Shellness are home to diverse ecosystems that are highly sensitive to human activity. Unregulated overnight camping can lead to habitat destruction, pollution, and disturbance to wildlife. By introducing charges, we can reduce the number of campers, minimizing their environmental footprint and helping to preserve these areas for future generations. 2. Maintaining Cleanliness: Overnight campers often leave behind litter and waste, which can mar the natural beauty of these areas and pose health hazards. The revenue from camping fees can be used to fund regular cleaning and maintenance, ensuring that Shingle Bank and Shellness remain clean and inviting for all visitors. 3. Controlling Overcrowding: During peak seasons, the influx of campers can lead to overcrowding, which not only degrades the visitor experience but also strains the area's natural resources. Implementing charges can help manage the number of campers, maintaining a balance that supports both the environment and the enjoyment of all visitors. 4. Encouraging Responsible Behavior: Charging for overnight camping can encourage campers to follow guidelines and best practices that protect the environment. It can also foster a sense of responsibility and stewardship among visitors, promoting behaviors that are in line with conservation goals. 5. Supporting Conservation Efforts: The funds generated from camping fees can be reinvested into conservation projects, such as habitat restoration, wildlife protection, and infrastructure improvements. This ensures that Shingle Bank and Shellness remain vibrant and healthy ecosystems that can be enjoyed by everyone. 6. Enhancing Visitor Experience: By maintaining a cleaner, less crowded, and more well-managed environment, the overall visitor experience can be significantly enhanced. Visitors can enjoy the natural beauty and tranquility of Shingle Bank and Shellness without the negative impacts of overcrowding and litter. 7. Sustainable Tourism: Introducing charges for overnight camping aligns with the principles of sustainable tourism, ensuring that the natural beauty and resources of Shingle Bank and Shellness are protected and managed responsibly. This approach supports the long-term health of the area, benefiting both the local community and visitors. By supporting this petition, you are taking a stand to protect and preserve Shingle Bank and Shellness, ensuring these precious natural areas remain pristine and enjoyable for all.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Niquie Trower
  • SAVE THE 100 - year -old AMERICAN LIMES
    Removing the trees would be at the expense of the environment, both in a GREEN sense and in as much as the loss of said trees would be detrimental to the “tree-lined avenue” presentation enjoyed and appreciated by residents and visitors alike along this busy thoroughfare. The character of this part of the city’s “leafy suburb” would be further eroded. Felling the trees would have a negative impact on the area and the removal of mature trees will affect the value of property in the immediate vicinity.  The felling would set a precedent and potentially lead to the destruction of all the trees along the entire length of Neville Street
    905 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mike Johnson
  • Parking on Footpath Anomaly in Easternville Gardens, corner with Cranley Drive and Quebec Road
    The road in question is: Easternville Gardens, Gants Hill, Ilford, Essex. It runs parallel with the A12 Eastern Avenue, between Cranley Drive at the east side and Quebec Road towards the west side.  It's only a matter of time that an emergency would occur and if coincidentally, vehicles ARE parked (ie two vehicles on opposite sides of the road at the either end of this road, with all four wheels on the road - in accordance with LBR-Traffic Regulations) then only will it become apparent the problem this Traffic Regulation has caused. NOTE: Emergency vehicles would NOT be able to pass between vehicles parked in the manner 'legally acceptable' to LBR, as photographs taken to simulate this situation, will prove, if necessary. Having contacted the Ilford Police via an online pro-forma, with this concern, they responded by claiming 'this a matter for the Redbridge Council and not the police'.      Many drivers had previously and some currently, parked with two wheels on the footpath at the 'problematic ends' of the Easternville Gardens - especially at the end with Canley Drive - only to be issued with PCNs. Apparently, it would seem this 'absurd and ambiguous regulation' is essentially ONLY for financial gains from imposed fines and no concern for the 'latent' problems that will undoubtedly occur in an emergency situation.   
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mohamed Wadiwala
  • Save Amber Valley
    Why do we want to protect the Amber Valley? The Amber Valley is part of the Derbyshire Peak Fringe, an important transition  between the Derbyshire uplands and lowlands, providing pathways for species to migrate and considered a landscape of extremely high quality. The variety of ancient woodlands, steep hills and priority habitat lowland meadow contribute to this unique landscape.  Ogston reservoir, within the valley, is a Site of Special Scientific Interest and homes thousands of migratory wintering birds and the Valley is a recognised haven for wildlife and protected birds such as Osprey and Peregrine Falcons Ogston Hall, a Grade II* building of national importance, Wingfield Manor, under the care of English Heritage, and over 50 other listed buildings within the conservation areas in or overlooking the valley, are important as much for their relationship to the Valley and its setting.  As well as an important amenity for the towns and villages across the region, the Amber Valley also generates much needed income for the local economy from tourists and walkers, especially since the whole scale disappearance of larger employers from the area, and the challenge on farming revenues.  What can you do to support us? Please show your support by signing this petition. We are a voluntary group but are raising money to help fund our campaign and to secure industry expertise in our fight to Save Amber Valley. Please support our campaign Crowdfunding to Oppose the national grid plan to site 50m pylons across the picturesque and unique Amber Valley Landscape. on JustGiving National Grids Stage 1 Consultation (Chesterfield to Willington) closes on Tuesday 17th September. We need everyone to also provide their feedback directly to National Grid.  -        Option 1 - Completing Paper Feedback Form (available from local libraries and our public meetings). If you are unable to obtain a copy please let us know.    -        Options 2 - Completing Online www.nationalgrid.com/chesterfieldtowillington   -        Option 3 - Send an email to [email protected] - PLEASE ENSURE THAT IF EMAILING FEEDBACK YOU PUT IN THE TITLE THAT THE EMAIL SHOULD COUNT AS YOUR CONSULTATION FEEDBACK ON THE CHESTERFIELD TO WILLINGTON SCHEME For further support please visit our website.
    1,245 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Katie Hirst
  • Stop Polluter Propaganda: Ban Fossil Fuel Advertising
    By eliminating these misleading ads, we can reduce public misinformation about the true impacts of fossil fuel consumption and accelerate the transition to sustainable energy sources. This decisive step will demonstrate the UK's commitment to leading the global fight against climate change and safeguarding our planet for future generations.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Davis
  • Save Ferndown Slop Bog “BOARDWALK”
    The Boardwalk allows people to view nature upfront and live, it also adds pleasure to the walks around Ferndown. The Slop Bog is on a Site of Special Scientific Interest, Local Nature Reserve and Special Protection Area. The Boardwalk provides accessibility for users who might otherwise not be able to access the heathland. If the Board walk is removed it will deny us the ability to view Nature in all its glory. It will also put an end to beautiful walks in the Bog area, it is a beautiful tranquil place to walk on summer evenings, as the sun sets! PLEASE,HELP US SAVE THE BOARDWALK ! Sign NOW
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Hannah
  • Object to plans to remove two mature trees and a bench from Market Street Hoylake
    We object to the plans to remove the bench and the trees and request that the planning application is brought to the planning committee.
    1,585 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jane Turner
  • Trees not Cars - a new park in Manchester!
    Our last petition was spring boarded our campaign and helped us stop Manchester City Council when they wanted to turn the car park into a temporary car park.  We are now making progress on the idea of a park, plans for the site as a response to our campaign had been to fully pave over the lot!  Now we need a fresh push to show the council that after 5 years, local people and visitors still need a park on that site. In addition: • New Islington Green is now being replaced with offices, locals have lost 3 acres of green space. • Cotton Fields (not publicly owned) and Cutting Square are absolutely packed on nice days. The area desperately needs a safe place for people to enjoy the sun and for children to learn to ride their bikes away from the canal and cars. • Local people need green space for exercise, mental well-being and cleaner air. The GP office behind see the damage the pollution is doing to people.
    1,879 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Cameron
  • Pledge of support: temporary Skylark fencing on Wanstead Flats
    Several pairs of the iconic ground-nesting Skylark breed on Wanstead Flats. These birds represent the closest population of breeding larks to the centre of London but for how much longer? Nationally, the population of Skylarks has been in decline for decades so the Wren Group – in conjunction with the City of London Corporation – is determined to do all it can to protect their numbers locally.
    823 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Wren Group Picture
  • Hands Off Havannah
    Thousands of luxury houses have been built on green fields and floodplains across Newcastle Great Park over the last 20 years, with local communities forced to battle for vital infrastructure such as shops, doctors and schools. Development has been allowed where development should not have been allowed, for example directly adjacent to Havannah and Three Hills Local Nature Reserve (LNR), where hundreds of mature trees and established hedgerows have been ripped out and wildflower meadows lost from the Ouseburn Catchment wildlife corridor, all because of Persimmon Homes and Taylor Wimpey’s relentless pursuit of profit. Not content with destroying habitat around the nature reserve, Newcastle Great Park Consortium is now looking to take land from INSIDE the nature reserve. Planning application 2022/1131/01/DET would see trees and vegetation removed along the public right of way that runs directly through the LNR, from the Three Hills car park to the Great Park to make way for a new ‘strategic route’, as well as additional tree, hedgerow and scrub removal in the Ouseburn Catchment wildlife corridor. This route would be lit with huge street lights, which would extend through the nature reserve and around the perimeter of the southern boundary of the reserve, lighting it up like a beacon. Artificial light at night is harmful to wildlife and disrupts breeding and feeding patterns in amphibians, birds, mammals, insects and plants. In 2018, Chris Packham visited Havannah as part of his ‘Nature Reserves Are Not Enough’ campaign, highlighting the need to protect land outside of nature reserves for wildlife. What would this vociferous campaigner say if he knew there were now plans to develop INSIDE the nature reserve? We are in the midst of a biodiversity crisis, with two million species at risk of extinction globally and 1 in 6 species at risk of extinction in the UK. Locally we have felt these losses too, as wildlife habitats are being fenced off, eaten away and bulldozed. Havannah has already been well and truly hemmed in. Wildlife cannot exist in isolated pockets and fragmented landscapes. We cannot allow greedy developers to profit at nature's expense. In July 2022, Newcastle City Council pledged to take local measures to prevent the loss of and to enhance biodiversity. These plans, if approved, would undermine Newcastle City Council's commitments to the natural environment and its legal duty to actively conserve and enhance biodiversity. Local wildlife would be dealt yet another devastating blow. We must stand against this latest stab at inflicting widespread loss of biodiversity, at a time when we should be protecting it the most. If enough people sign this petition, we can send a clear message that Newcastle's nature reserves are not for the taking.
    1,105 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Newcastle Wildlife Picture
  • Weekly Litter Picking in Wonford
    It is demoralizing to live in such filth.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Rautenbach
  • Ban single-use packaging in restaurants, cafés, and bars
    Plastic pollution is one of the biggest environmental issues we face. Yet in hundreds of thousands of cafés, bars and restaurants across the country, we’re still being served food and drink in single-use packaging – even when we’re eating in!    It’s wasteful, unnecessary and can easily be avoided by replacing single-use packaging with reusable cups, crockery and cutlery which get washed instead of thrown away after just one use.    With only 12% of Britain's plastic known to be recycled, it’s time to take single-use off the menu – for good.    This isn’t pie in the sky thinking or even a new idea. It’s how we always used to have our food served to us. And it's already law in neighbouring countries like France. If you walk into any food outlet in France, even fast-food restaurants like McDonalds, your food will now be served in ‘reusable packaging’ - usually just a plate and cutlery. Since France introduced this in January 2023, it has been estimated that they are saving 180,000 tonnes of packaging every year! That’s nearly 1,000 blue whales or over 25,000 African elephants in weight!    The last government has already committed to removing all avoidable plastics by 2042. Yet despite this, they failed to even conduct a feasibility study for this ban here. With a new government in place, this is our opportunity to put the pressure on and demand they tackle single-use plastic waste as a priority. The good news is that this ban is one of the easiest and most obvious steps the government can take to tackle the plastic crisis. Will you help put pressure on to make it happen?    Sign to tell our new government to ban single-use packaging in restaurants, cafés, and bars.
    25,119 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Fée