To: Somerset Council

20's Plenty for Wellington

Sign this petition to support the call for 20mph speed limits in and around Wellington.

Why is this important?

Lowering the speed limit provides significant benefits to all road users, including
  •  Reduced severity of collisions
  •  Reduced frequency of collisions
  •  Increased cycling and walking confidence

Slower speeds save lives, particularly where the road is shared with people walking, cycling or riding a motorbike. A person walking is up to five times more likely to be killed if hit by a vehicle travelling at 30mph than if they were hit at 20mph. To support more people to walk and cycle around Wellington, we must reduce the risk of death and serious injury.

Lowering traffic speeds can also make our streets less polluted and safer places to walk and cycle.

See more information on 20mph speed limits.

This campaign is being supported by The Big House Co.
Wellington TA21, UK

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