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To: Warwickshire County & Rugby Borough Council

20mph Zones for Schools in Admirals and Cawston

Introduce low speed areas around the primary schools and shopping parades of Admirals & Cawston.

Why is this important?

The implications of drivers reducing speeds from 30mph to 20mph are huge. 20mph streets are nearly fatality free (3% vs 20% fatalities at 30mph) and we should be looking to embrace this now well understood change to our streets around Henry Hinde (Junior & Infants) and Cawston Grange Primary Schools.

In addition to road safety urban speeds above 20mph are also unjust because excessive speed is the main reason that many people fear using roads to walk or cycle.

If there is one thing we have learnt from the pandemic, it’s that communities really do matter. The importance of having services, facilities and friends in easy reach of our homes and of having streets that are welcoming, safe and where the air is clean is vital to our physical and mental well-being.

Critical to achieving success against these goals is how we manage cars in our neighbourhoods.

Our young, elderly and many others are losing their active mobility because 30mph vehicle speeds are currently endorsed where people live, work, shop and learn.

Thank you

Michael Moran

How it will be delivered

We will look to collate all signatures and email them to the respective authorities.

Rugby, UK

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2021-05-06 17:46:56 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-04-30 08:33:53 +0100

10 signatures reached