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To: Woking Borough Council

2021 - Time for new trees in Woking

We ask the council to actively consider supporting the ideas set out in '2021 - Time for new trees in Woking'. We aim to:

1. plant trees in each ward of the borough, to honour those who have died in the pandemic -. as well as celebrating the outstanding contributions and achievements of the local community during this global crisis.

2 Support the work of Cruse Bereavement Care, in order to help local people in need of their specialist services.

3. Set up an interactive website showing where the trees have been planted and the people they honour. The website will also be an educational resource, underlining the importance of trees to our environment, interesting 'Nature Notes' as well as information and links to Cruse and our other partners.

At a time when resources are so stretched, we WILL NOT be seeking funding from Woking Borough Council. However, if the concept is to move forward, we recognise that the council will be a key partner at every stage; their advice, consent and logistical support will be vital.

A full fund-raising programme will be developed but at this point we need to clearly demonstrate that this is a project people believe in.

We will have fundraising events each year to raise the funds for the ongoing care of the trees we plant, raise funds for the local branch of Cruse and support one other charity, working locally - the choice of organisation will change each year.

Why is this important?

Many people have lost friends and loved ones during the pandemic and want a meaningful way to honour them, especially as many of us have not been able to gather at funerals. Helping to plant a tree which will stand as a, long-term, living memorial, is a positive step.

Helping to fund the work of Cruse locally, will mean that more people can have practical support in a time of very real need.

Trees are fundamentally important to our planet - Friends of the Earth estimate that in order to avoid a climate crisis, we need to double the number of trees in the UK - by 2030; projects like ours, will help reach that milestone.

The website will be a valuable education resource for the whole community, especially our children and young people, now but for years to come.

Working together to plant trees is a community project for EVERYONE - it brings people of all ages together, to share a goal and celebrate the power of working together.

Woking, UK

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2021-04-22 08:52:02 +0100

25 signatures reached

2021-04-17 09:17:13 +0100

10 signatures reached