To: Rt Hon Keir Starmer MP the Labour Party NEC. Sir Ed Davey MP and the Liberal Democrats, Adrian Ramsey, Carla Denyer and The Green Party

A Progressive Alliance to defeat the Tories

Twelve years of Conservative dominated government has seen the steady erosion of the country’s wealth, reputation and values, while the rich have got richer and the poor poorer. This has culminated in the latest “ mini budget” promising £45 billion tax cuts to the very richest in our society.

The reason for this travesty of justice and decency is the abject failure of the Labour Party to provide a credible opposition at the ballot box, in the media or in Parliament. It seems more interested in fighting its self than the Conservatives and would rather be a toothless opposition than share power with others.

As the Opposition the Labour Party have a duty to oppose and to do so effectively. We the British public will never be freed from this right wing Tory domination until the Labour , Liberal Democratic and Green Parties agree to work together at the ballot box, in the media and in Parliament.

This petition calls on the all three parties to immediately set aside their differences and work together for the good of the country and its people, by forming a progressive alliance and a commitment to significant constitutional reform.

Why is this important?

The only way this change will come about is for the ordinary citizens to demand it loud and clear. If you are unhappy about the way this country has been governed please give your support to this petition and campaign to restore our democracy
